Comment 13 for bug 270405

Revision history for this message
Timmie (timmie) wrote : Re: commit fails, *.pack not found

today this occured again on another directory/repository:

D:\>bzr commit
bzr: ERROR: No such file: 'xqy6l51imqufu8x0v6iq.pack': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

D:\>bzr version
Bazaar (bzr) 1.8
  Python interpreter: C:\Programme\pythonxy\python\python.exe 2.5.2
  Python standard library: C:\Programme\qgis\python
  bzrlib: C:\Programme\pythonxy\python\lib\site-packages\bzr-1.8-py2.5-win32.egg\bzrlib

Please provide me with a hint here. It blocks my commits to the central repository.
