Comment 0 for bug 233817

Revision history for this message
Chad Miller (cmiller) wrote : "missing" traverses only left edge of graph

The purpose of "bzr missing" is ostensibly to "show unmerged/unpulled revisions between two branches", but it doesn't show any revisions that come from merges. If the outstanding history is not strictly linear -- i.e., if you've had to run "merge" at all -- then those revisions are omitted from the output.

To repeat:

$ bzr branch vers7 vers7-bug1234
$ cd vers7; hack hack hack; bzr commit; cd ..
$ cd vers7-bug1234; hack hack hack; bzr commit; cd ..; rm -r vers7-bug1234
$ cd vers7;
$ bzr merge ../vers7-bug1234; bzr commit;
$ bzr missing --this ../vers8

"bzr missing" will show only the merge revision, not any of the revisions that went into fixing bug1234.