$ bzr log -r branch:../foo
bzr: ERROR: bzrlib.errors.ReadOnlyError: A write attempt was made in a read only transaction on KnitPackRepository('file:///home/stewart/mysql/.bzr/repository/')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/stewart/lib/python/bzrlib/commands.py", line 857, in run_bzr_catch_errors
return run_bzr(argv)
File "/home/stewart/lib/python/bzrlib/commands.py", line 797, in run_bzr
ret = run(*run_argv)
File "/home/stewart/lib/python/bzrlib/commands.py", line 499, in run_argv_aliases
return self.run(**all_cmd_args)
File "/home/stewart/lib/python/bzrlib/commands.py", line 818, in ignore_pipe
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
File "/home/stewart/lib/python/bzrlib/builtins.py", line 1761, in run
rev1 = rev2 = revision[0].in_history(b)
File "/home/stewart/lib/python/bzrlib/revisionspec.py", line 227, in in_history
return self._match_on_and_check(branch, revs)
File "/home/stewart/lib/python/bzrlib/revisionspec.py", line 206, in _match_on_and_check
info = self._match_on(branch, revs)
File "/home/stewart/lib/python/bzrlib/revisionspec.py", line 763, in _match_on
branch.fetch(other_branch, revision_b)
File "/home/stewart/lib/python/bzrlib/decorators.py", line 190, in write_locked
File "/home/stewart/lib/python/bzrlib/branch.py", line 1466, in lock_write
repo_token = self.repository.lock_write()
File "/home/stewart/lib/python/bzrlib/repofmt/pack_repo.py", line 1836, in lock_write
raise errors.ReadOnlyError(self)
ReadOnlyError: A write attempt was made in a read only transaction on KnitPackRepository('file:///home/stewart/mysql/.bzr/repository/')
bzr 1.6b3 on python 2.5.2 (linux2)
arguments: ['/home/stewart/bin/bzr', 'log', '-r', 'branch:../foo']
encoding: 'UTF-8', fsenc: 'UTF-8', lang: 'en_AU.UTF-8'
bzrtools /home/stewart/.bazaar/plugins/bzrtools [1.6.0]
diffstat /home/stewart/.bazaar/plugins/diffstat [unknown]
gtk /home/stewart/.bazaar/plugins/gtk [0.95.0dev1]
launchpad /home/stewart/lib/python/bzrlib/plugins/launchpad [unknown]
loom /home/stewart/.bazaar/plugins/loom [1.4.0dev0]
multiparent /home/stewart/lib/python/bzrlib/plugins/multiparent.py [unknown]
mysql_plugins /home/stewart/.bazaar/plugins/mysql_plugins [0.3.13]
rebase /home/stewart/.bazaar/plugins/rebase [0.4.0dev0]
signing /home/stewart/.bazaar/plugins/signing [unknown]
*** Bazaar has encountered an internal error.
Please report a bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+filebug
including this traceback, and a description of what you
were doing when the error occurred.
using latest bzr.dev:
$ bzr log -r branch:../foo errors. ReadOnlyError: A write attempt was made in a read only transaction on KnitPackReposit ory('file: ///home/ stewart/ mysql/. bzr/repository/ ')
bzr: ERROR: bzrlib.
Traceback (most recent call last): stewart/ lib/python/ bzrlib/ commands. py", line 857, in run_bzr_ catch_errors stewart/ lib/python/ bzrlib/ commands. py", line 797, in run_bzr stewart/ lib/python/ bzrlib/ commands. py", line 499, in run_argv_aliases **all_cmd_ args) stewart/ lib/python/ bzrlib/ commands. py", line 818, in ignore_pipe stewart/ lib/python/ bzrlib/ builtins. py", line 1761, in run 0].in_history( b) stewart/ lib/python/ bzrlib/ revisionspec. py", line 227, in in_history on_and_ check(branch, revs) stewart/ lib/python/ bzrlib/ revisionspec. py", line 206, in _match_on_and_check on(branch, revs) stewart/ lib/python/ bzrlib/ revisionspec. py", line 763, in _match_on fetch(other_ branch, revision_b) stewart/ lib/python/ bzrlib/ decorators. py", line 190, in write_locked lock_write( ) stewart/ lib/python/ bzrlib/ branch. py", line 1466, in lock_write .lock_write( ) stewart/ lib/python/ bzrlib/ repofmt/ pack_repo. py", line 1836, in lock_write ReadOnlyError( self) ory('file: ///home/ stewart/ mysql/. bzr/repository/ ')
File "/home/
return run_bzr(argv)
File "/home/
ret = run(*run_argv)
File "/home/
return self.run(
File "/home/
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
File "/home/
rev1 = rev2 = revision[
File "/home/
return self._match_
File "/home/
info = self._match_
File "/home/
File "/home/
File "/home/
repo_token = self.repository
File "/home/
raise errors.
ReadOnlyError: A write attempt was made in a read only transaction on KnitPackReposit
bzr 1.6b3 on python 2.5.2 (linux2) stewart/ bin/bzr' , 'log', '-r', 'branch:../foo'] .bazaar/ plugins/ bzrtools [1.6.0] .bazaar/ plugins/ diffstat [unknown] .bazaar/ plugins/ gtk [0.95.0dev1] lib/python/ bzrlib/ plugins/ launchpad [unknown] .bazaar/ plugins/ loom [1.4.0dev0] lib/python/ bzrlib/ plugins/ multiparent. py [unknown] .bazaar/ plugins/ mysql_plugins [0.3.13] .bazaar/ plugins/ rebase [0.4.0dev0] .bazaar/ plugins/ signing [unknown] /bugs.launchpad .net/bzr/ +filebug
arguments: ['/home/
encoding: 'UTF-8', fsenc: 'UTF-8', lang: 'en_AU.UTF-8'
bzrtools /home/stewart/
diffstat /home/stewart/
gtk /home/stewart/
launchpad /home/stewart/
loom /home/stewart/
multiparent /home/stewart/
mysql_plugins /home/stewart/
rebase /home/stewart/
signing /home/stewart/
*** Bazaar has encountered an internal error.
Please report a bug at https:/
including this traceback, and a description of what you
were doing when the error occurred.