Comment 5 for bug 516537

Revision history for this message
Richard Gruet (rgruet) wrote :


I got the same problem with the following configuration:

  - client: Windows XP SP2, bzr 2.0.2, xml-output 0.8.6, Eclipse 3.5, bzr-eclipse "Enable file text decorator" is unchecked (actually only "Enable project text decorator" and "Enable status overlay decorator" are checked).

 - server (where the central repository resides): Redhat, bzr 2.0.3, OpenSSH 4.3p2 x86_64

The branches on the Windows client are checkouts of the central repository via the bzr+ssh protocol..

Several sshd processes are created on the server for each bzr command issued in Eclipse (e.g. Team > update, or just properties > Bazaar info). They look like this (ps aux|grep sshd):
    root 13068 0.0 0.3 88072 3360 ? Ss 14:23 0:00 sshd: root@notty


Action: Nb ssh processes:
---------- ---------------------------
(start) 2
start Eclipse 11
properties > bzr info 13
update #1 23
update #2 26
exit Eclipse 2

Fortunately the processes *disappear* when I exit Eclipse . I think it was not the case with xml-output 0.8.4 (but I can't be completely positive about it).

When I issue bzr commands directly from a *terminal*, the number of sshd process doesn't increase, so it seems to be a bzr-eclipse + xml-output related problem.

