Hum. I tried workarounding it, but git-cloning the repository doesn’t work either:
tglase@tglase-nb:~/Evolvis/x $ git clone bzr::/home/tglase/Evolvis/tarent-5.1
Cloning into 'tarent-5.1'...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/git-remote-bzr", line 49, in <module>
helper.process(sys.stdin, sys.stdout)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/bzrlib/plugins/git/", line 171, in process
self.process_line(l, outf)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/bzrlib/plugins/git/", line 187, in process_line
self.commands[argv[0]](self, outf, argv)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/bzrlib/plugins/git/", line 120, in cmd_list
for ref, git_sha1 in refs.as_dict().iteritems():
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/dulwich/", line 202, in as_dict
ret[key] = self[("%s/%s" % (base, key)).strip("/")]
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/dulwich/", line 273, in __getitem__
_, sha = self._follow(name)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/dulwich/", line 255, in _follow
contents = self.read_ref(refname)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/dulwich/", line 231, in read_ref
contents = self.read_loose_ref(refname)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/bzrlib/plugins/git/", line 136, in read_loose_ref
return self.object_store._lookup_revision_sha1(revid)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/bzrlib/plugins/git/", line 580, in _lookup_revision_sha1
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/bzrlib/plugins/git/", line 384, in _update_sha_map
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/bzrlib/plugins/git/", line 484, in _update_sha_map_revision
for path, obj, ie in self._revision_to_objects(rev, tree, lossy=(not self.mapping.roundtripping)):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/bzrlib/plugins/git/", line 438, in _revision_to_objects
self._cache.idmap, unusual_modes, self.mapping.BZR_DUMMY_FILE):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/bzrlib/plugins/git/", line 296, in _tree_to_objects
assert tree.kind(file_id) == 'directory'
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/bzrlib/", line 173, in kind
return inv[inv_file_id].kind
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/bzrlib/", line 1868, in __getitem__
raise errors.NoSuchId(self, file_id)
bzrlib.errors.NoSuchId: The file id "None" is not present in the tree <bzrlib.inventory.CHKInventory object at 0x85ef0d0>.
Neither does 'bzr push'ing to git, it tells me to use dpush (no idea whether that is redoable). Basically, I need a copy of that bzr branch as master/trunk/HEAD in either svn *yuck* or git *yuck* (but that’s $orkplace for you).
Hum. I tried workarounding it, but git-cloning the repository doesn’t work either:
tglase@ tglase- nb:~/Evolvis/ x $ git clone bzr::/home/ tglase/ Evolvis/ tarent- 5.1 git-remote- bzr", line 49, in <module> process( sys.stdin, sys.stdout) python2. 7/dist- packages/ bzrlib/ plugins/ git/git_ remote_ helper. py", line 171, in process process_ line(l, outf) python2. 7/dist- packages/ bzrlib/ plugins/ git/git_ remote_ helper. py", line 187, in process_line commands[ argv[0] ](self, outf, argv) python2. 7/dist- packages/ bzrlib/ plugins/ git/git_ remote_ helper. py", line 120, in cmd_list dict(). iteritems( ): python2. 7/dist- packages/ dulwich/" , line 202, in as_dict python2. 7/dist- packages/ dulwich/" , line 273, in __getitem__ python2. 7/dist- packages/ dulwich/" , line 255, in _follow ref(refname) python2. 7/dist- packages/ dulwich/" , line 231, in read_ref loose_ref( refname) python2. 7/dist- packages/ bzrlib/ plugins/ git/refs. py", line 136, in read_loose_ref store._ lookup_ revision_ sha1(revid) python2. 7/dist- packages/ bzrlib/ plugins/ git/object_" , line 580, in _lookup_ revision_ sha1 _update_ sha_map( revid) python2. 7/dist- packages/ bzrlib/ plugins/ git/object_" , line 384, in _update_sha_map _update_ sha_map_ revision( revid) python2. 7/dist- packages/ bzrlib/ plugins/ git/object_" , line 484, in _update_ sha_map_ revision to_objects( rev, tree, lossy=(not self.mapping. roundtripping) ): python2. 7/dist- packages/ bzrlib/ plugins/ git/object_" , line 438, in _revision_ to_objects _cache. idmap, unusual_modes, self.mapping. BZR_DUMMY_ FILE): python2. 7/dist- packages/ bzrlib/ plugins/ git/object_" , line 296, in _tree_to_objects python2. 7/dist- packages/ bzrlib/ revisiontree. py", line 173, in kind file_id] .kind python2. 7/dist- packages/ bzrlib/ inventory. py", line 1868, in __getitem__ NoSuchId( self, file_id) errors. NoSuchId: The file id "None" is not present in the tree <bzrlib. inventory. CHKInventory object at 0x85ef0d0>.
Cloning into 'tarent-5.1'...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/
File "/usr/lib/
File "/usr/lib/
File "/usr/lib/
for ref, git_sha1 in refs.as_
File "/usr/lib/
ret[key] = self[("%s/%s" % (base, key)).strip("/")]
File "/usr/lib/
_, sha = self._follow(name)
File "/usr/lib/
contents = self.read_
File "/usr/lib/
contents = self.read_
File "/usr/lib/
return self.object_
File "/usr/lib/
File "/usr/lib/
File "/usr/lib/
for path, obj, ie in self._revision_
File "/usr/lib/
File "/usr/lib/
assert tree.kind(file_id) == 'directory'
File "/usr/lib/
return inv[inv_
File "/usr/lib/
raise errors.
Neither does 'bzr push'ing to git, it tells me to use dpush (no idea whether that is redoable). Basically, I need a copy of that bzr branch as master/trunk/HEAD in either svn *yuck* or git *yuck* (but that’s $orkplace for you).