I tried with BZR_PDB=1 but that’s not all too easy to use. I ran into several C objects (_ra.Editor and _ra.DirEditor) too, so I couldn’t easily look.
15:37⎜<mira|laptop:#bzr> anyway, in (for me) line 309 of commit.py ('changed = True'), the values of
⎜ url_join_unescaped_path(base_url,base_tree.id2path(child_ie.file_id).encode("utf-8")) and
⎜ full_new_child_path are correct (the '# copy if they existed at different location' elif branch)
So it must come sometime after that. Maybe this helps someone to track it down.
It may be that %2F is expanded one time too many, but then expanded back, as this seems to be only triggered due to the %C3 which gets converted to \xc3 but not (back?) to %C3.
from what I wrote in IRC:
I tried with BZR_PDB=1 but that’s not all too easy to use. I ran into several C objects (_ra.Editor and _ra.DirEditor) too, so I couldn’t easily look.
15:37⎜< mira|laptop: #bzr> anyway, in (for me) line 309 of commit.py ('changed = True'), the values of unescaped_ path(base_ url,base_ tree.id2path( child_ie. file_id) .encode( "utf-8" )) and
⎜ url_join_
⎜ full_new_child_path are correct (the '# copy if they existed at different location' elif branch)
So it must come sometime after that. Maybe this helps someone to track it down.
It may be that %2F is expanded one time too many, but then expanded back, as this seems to be only triggered due to the %C3 which gets converted to \xc3 but not (back?) to %C3.