Comment 0 for bug 1042102

Revision history for this message
ChriS (christophe-troestler) wrote : dpush "overrides" commits

The following bug is very problematic for collaboration with git users. Here is a sequence to reproduce it on github.

1. Create a new github repository, say "test".
2. Create a local bzr repository, populate it with one file (say) and commit it and push it to github:

    bzr dpush <email address hidden>:$USER/test.git,branch=master

3. “git clone <email address hidden>:$USER/test.git”
4. Makre a commit using git (say add a file).
5. Push: “git push”
6. Make a new commit in the bzr repository.
6. Push: “bzr dpush”

The problems are that:
1. There is no warning that the remote repository contains a new commit.
2. After bzr push, one cannot see the git commit anymore! It is there somewhere (because one can refer to it using its git id) but does not appear in the history.