Alexander Belchenko (bialix) wrote:
> Possible workaround would be
> bzr --no-plugins merge /path/to/other/branch
bzr merge --no-plugins ../feature_externals
succeeds, but
bzr commit -m "merged with ../feature_externals"
bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "D:/bzr_tests/trunk/ext-modules/ext-1/".
Here is the commands list, the corresponding part of .bzr.log is attached:
D:\bzr_tests\trunk>bzr revert
-D .bzrignore
-D .bzrmeta/
-D .bzrmeta/externals
-D .bzrmeta/externals-snapshot
Alexander Belchenko (bialix) wrote: other/branch
> Possible workaround would be
> bzr --no-plugins merge /path/to/
bzr merge --no-plugins ../feature_ externals
succeeds, but
bzr commit -m "merged with ../feature_ externals"
bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "D:/bzr_ tests/trunk/ ext-modules/ ext-1/" .
Here is the commands list, the corresponding part of .bzr.log is attached: tests\trunk> bzr revert externals- snapshot
-D .bzrignore
-D .bzrmeta/
-D .bzrmeta/externals
-D .bzrmeta/
D:\bzr_ tests\trunk> bzr merge --no-plugins ../feature_ externals externals- snapshot
+N .bzrignore
+N .bzrmeta/
+N .bzrmeta/externals
+N .bzrmeta/
All changes applied successfully.
D:\bzr_ tests\trunk> bzr commit -m "externals-add" tests/trunk/ ext-modules/ ext-1/" .
bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "D:/bzr_