It looks like you are the first person who reported such an issue. Before the commit dialog is shown we issue 2 xmlstatus commands. You can try to them from the command line and see if they succeed.
Let's say you select a file named 'f1' in project named 'p1' located at /workspace/p1/f1 folder and select Commit in Eclipse. This will execute the following:
bzr xmlstatus /workspace/p
bzr xmlstatus /workspace/p/f1
It looks like you are the first person who reported such an issue. Before the commit dialog is shown we issue 2 xmlstatus commands. You can try to them from the command line and see if they succeed.
Let's say you select a file named 'f1' in project named 'p1' located at /workspace/p1/f1 folder and select Commit in Eclipse. This will execute the following:
bzr xmlstatus /workspace/p
bzr xmlstatus /workspace/p/f1