squid must be restarted after configuration change

Bug #204474 reported by Andrew
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
squid (Ubuntu)
Fix Released

Bug Description

Binary package hint: squid

I am using squid to server as an intermediary proxy on my work laptop. At home I have squid going directly to the internet, but at work I have it use my work's proxy as an upstream proxy for all requests. I also often switch from my wired (eth0) at work to my wireless (wlan0) at home.

When I go from work to home I use the switchconf package to update the squid configuration and tell squid to reload. I am doing this via:

/etc/init.d/squid force-reload

Although some connections seem to go through, squid seems to not respond for most requests. I am usually forced to run:

/etc/init.d/squid restart

This wouldn't be so bad if it didn't take 10-30 seconds to execute. According to the docs, it seems like the "force-reload" should work and there should be no reason to have to restart the proxy.

xubuntu: 7.10
squid: 2.6.14-1ubuntu2.1
switchconf: 0.0.6-1

Revision history for this message
Chuck Short (zulcss) wrote :

Thats because a configuration change has been made and squid needs to be restarted in order for it to re-read the configuration file.

Changed in squid:
status: New → Won't Fix
Revision history for this message
Andrew (andrew-rw-robinson) wrote :

Changing the status is that this is still a bug even if the reload won't be fixed.

If reloading of configuration is not to be supported, then the following bugs should be fixed:
(1) Running "/etc/init.d/squid" prints:
  Usage: /etc/init.d/squid {start|stop|reload|force-reload|restart}
I should not print "reload" and "force-reload" if on-the-fly configuration reloading is not supported

(2) Running "/etc/init.d/squid reload" says it successfully reloaded the configuration and exits with 0 exit code:

sudo /etc/init.d/squid reload
 * Reloading Squid configuration files
~$ echo $?

(3) Running "/etc/init.d/squid force-reload" says it successfully reloaded the configuration and exits with 0 exit code:
sudo /etc/init.d/squid force-reload
 * Reloading Squid configuration files
~$ echo $?

So either (a) squid has to reload configuration for reload & force-reload or (b) the reload & force-reload should not be presented as options, and the init.d script should print an error to std-err and return with a non-zero exit code. But either way this is a bug that ought to be fixed.

Changed in squid:
status: Won't Fix → New
Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

This bug was fixed in the package squid - 2.6.18-1ubuntu3

squid (2.6.18-1ubuntu3) hardy; urgency=low

  * debian/squid.rc
    - Use squid -k reconfigure to reload the squid configuration.
     (LP: #204474).

 -- Chuck Short <email address hidden> Wed, 09 Apr 2008 14:48:49 -0400

Changed in squid:
status: New → Fix Released
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