I'm having the same problems as in this closed bug:
The thing is that I open Nautilus, browse my Samba Network and it's empty. I can connect directly to the server, but it does not get listed. Also, sometimes they show up, but when I click on a Samba service, for example, to IP, a message tells me that I have to open it with some program, because it's not a link!! (WTF). Then, it gets previewed as a text file.
I'm using Ubuntu Gutsy, 32bit for clients; server is a SuSE 10.2, Samba. Windows Vista clients get it listed when I browse the network.
We're trying to switch to Linux in the company I work for, but we're having trouble with Samba, so people's getting a bit angry.
Sometimes servers get listed, then I try to connect to them, but it's impossible, because I'm not asked any password, nor user. It just gets empty again.
I'm going to try to debug it someway (please, tell me how), and post some screenshots.
Thank you for your bug. Does using a command line client, smb for example, work correctly? Could you try on hardy using the new gvfs nautilus?