A simple fix is to just create an "InvalidCertificate" error, with 'internal_error=False', and a fairly nice error message.
The page you mentioned is for the "curl" commandline front end. For the library, usually this is more relevant: http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/curl_easy_setopt.html
And specifically: http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/curl_easy_setopt.html#SSL
This can easily go along with the earlier discussion with vila, about how to enable self-certified hosts. (env var, or config entry). We just allow for a way to not require verification for specific hosts.
A simple fix is to just create an "InvalidCertifi cate" error, with 'internal_ error=False' , and a fairly nice error message.
The page you mentioned is for the "curl" commandline front end. For the library, usually this is more relevant: curl.haxx. se/libcurl/ c/curl_ easy_setopt. html
And specifically: curl.haxx. se/libcurl/ c/curl_ easy_setopt. html#SSL
This can easily go along with the earlier discussion with vila, about how to enable self-certified hosts. (env var, or config entry). We just allow for a way to not require verification for specific hosts.