`You may use the Twitter name or logos and other brand elements that Twitter makes available in order to identify the source of Twitter Content ("Twitter Marks") subject to these Rules.`
`You will not attempt or encourage others to: use Twitter Marks or Twitter Certified Products Program badges in a manner that creates a sense of endorsement, sponsorship, or false association with Twitter. You may not use Twitter Marks as part of the name of your company or Service, or in any product, service, name field or logos created by you. All use of Twitter Marks, and all goodwill arising out of such use, will inure to Twitter's benefit.'`
From their API terms (https:/ /dev.twitter. com/terms/ api-terms):
`You may use the Twitter name or logos and other brand elements that Twitter makes available in order to identify the source of Twitter Content ("Twitter Marks") subject to these Rules.`
`You will not attempt or encourage others to: use Twitter Marks or Twitter Certified Products Program badges in a manner that creates a sense of endorsement, sponsorship, or false association with Twitter. You may not use Twitter Marks as part of the name of your company or Service, or in any product, service, name field or logos created by you. All use of Twitter Marks, and all goodwill arising out of such use, will inure to Twitter's benefit.'`
Lastly, here's their branding policy: https:/ /twitter. com/logo