[ Colin Watson ]
* Bump to a stable version number series for Ubuntu 9.10.
The main reason for the version bump was because we incorporated
oem-config and needed to jump past its version numbers, but really
Ubiquity 2.0.0 is quite different from Ubiquity 1.0.0 despite most of
the changes being gradual and incremental. 3.5 years and nearly 5000
lines of changelog entries later, we have several active developers,
lots more translations, apport integration, a new partitioner,
migration-assistant, automation, Mythbuntu and noninteractive frontends,
Wubi, reinstallation without reformatting, a new timezone map,
accessibility, many UI improvements, a slideshow, plugin support, and
much more. Here's to version 3!
* Install kernel headers to match the kernel (LP: #413135).
* Recommend dmraid to ensure consistent behaviour across Ubuntu flavours
(it was already present on the Ubuntu desktop CD, but e.g. not on
* If dmraid devices are active, then create
/var/lib/disk-detect/activate_dmraid so that partman will exclude slave
devices, and ensure that dmraid is installed in the target (LP: #90235).
* Use check-language-support if available to select language support
packages (LP: #434173).
* Update translations from Launchpad.
* Automatic update of included source packages: base-installer
1.102ubuntu2, hw-detect 1.72ubuntu5.
[ Jonathan Riddell ]
* ubi-intro.py: detect kubuntu-netbook-intro.txt if it exists and use
that as warning for Kubuntu Netbook Edition
-- Colin Watson <email address hidden> Wed, 14 Oct 2009 23:57:40 +0100
This bug was fixed in the package ubiquity - 2.0.0
ubiquity (2.0.0) karmic; urgency=low
[ Colin Watson ]
* Bump to a stable version number series for Ubuntu 9.10.
The main reason for the version bump was because we incorporated assistant, automation, Mythbuntu and noninteractive frontends,
oem-config and needed to jump past its version numbers, but really
Ubiquity 2.0.0 is quite different from Ubiquity 1.0.0 despite most of
the changes being gradual and incremental. 3.5 years and nearly 5000
lines of changelog entries later, we have several active developers,
lots more translations, apport integration, a new partitioner,
Wubi, reinstallation without reformatting, a new timezone map,
accessibility, many UI improvements, a slideshow, plugin support, and
much more. Here's to version 3!
* Install kernel headers to match the kernel (LP: #413135). lib/disk- detect/ activate_ dmraid so that partman will exclude slave support if available to select language support
* Recommend dmraid to ensure consistent behaviour across Ubuntu flavours
(it was already present on the Ubuntu desktop CD, but e.g. not on
* If dmraid devices are active, then create
devices, and ensure that dmraid is installed in the target (LP: #90235).
* Use check-language-
packages (LP: #434173).
* Update translations from Launchpad.
* Automatic update of included source packages: base-installer
1.102ubuntu2, hw-detect 1.72ubuntu5.
[ Jonathan Riddell ] netbook- intro.txt if it exists and use
* ubi-intro.py: detect kubuntu-
that as warning for Kubuntu Netbook Edition
-- Colin Watson <email address hidden> Wed, 14 Oct 2009 23:57:40 +0100