I turned the logging up to 9 and restarted samba - I didn't get any log entries for the access problems.
I do not get asked for a username or password when mounting the smb dir by either:
gvfs-mount smb://
gvfs-mount smb://steve@
both attempts return without asking for anything - a mount is shown on the desktop - if I try and create a new folder, I get an error box with extra info showing 'read only file system'. If I use gutsy, I can create/delete, etc.
I can mount and use my home directory - it does not ask for a login or password. I can create/delete files, etc.
I had previously used the 'connect to server' and it did not ask for a password. I see that seahorse does have my password set up for the server. When I use my home dir on the server I do show up in the smbstatus on the server:
Samba version 3.0.26a
PID Username Group Machine
31613 steve developer gamebox2 (
31639 steve developer gamebox2 (
31759 steve developer gamebox2 (
Service pid machine Connected at
IPC$ 31567 gamebox2 Sat Apr 19 11:48:35 2008
steve 31759 gamebox2 Sat Apr 19 12:21:39 2008
IPC$ 31619 gamebox2 Sat Apr 19 11:53:24 2008
IPC$ 31566 gamebox2 Sat Apr 19 11:48:32 2008
IPC$ 31568 gamebox2 Sat Apr 19 11:48:40 2008
steve 31613 gamebox2 Sat Apr 19 11:52:00 2008
os 31639 gamebox2 Sat Apr 19 11:57:08 2008
My server config has not changed for months (except for the log to 9 instead of 3). I have attached it.
I turned the logging up to 9 and restarted samba - I didn't get any log entries for the access problems.
I do not get asked for a username or password when mounting the smb dir by either: 10.10.34/ os 10.10.10. 34/os
gvfs-mount smb://10.
gvfs-mount smb://steve@
both attempts return without asking for anything - a mount is shown on the desktop - if I try and create a new folder, I get an error box with extra info showing 'read only file system'. If I use gutsy, I can create/delete, etc.
I can mount and use my home directory - it does not ask for a login or password. I can create/delete files, etc.
I had previously used the 'connect to server' and it did not ask for a password. I see that seahorse does have my password set up for the server. When I use my home dir on the server I do show up in the smbstatus on the server:
Samba version 3.0.26a ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ----
PID Username Group Machine
31613 steve developer gamebox2 (
31639 steve developer gamebox2 (
31759 steve developer gamebox2 (
Service pid machine Connected at ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------
IPC$ 31567 gamebox2 Sat Apr 19 11:48:35 2008
steve 31759 gamebox2 Sat Apr 19 12:21:39 2008
IPC$ 31619 gamebox2 Sat Apr 19 11:53:24 2008
IPC$ 31566 gamebox2 Sat Apr 19 11:48:32 2008
IPC$ 31568 gamebox2 Sat Apr 19 11:48:40 2008
steve 31613 gamebox2 Sat Apr 19 11:52:00 2008
os 31639 gamebox2 Sat Apr 19 11:57:08 2008
My server config has not changed for months (except for the log to 9 instead of 3). I have attached it.