On a MacBook Core2Duo with Gutsy, after a well finished operation on /dev/sda5 (delete, format) and maybe still with other partition (not tested, they're in use), i click on the "Ok" button in the operation window and the program crashes (it seems to crash immediately after starting the reload of the devices).
When I re-open gparted, old operations have been correctly executed and the program works well... since next operation :)
On a MacBook Core2Duo with Gutsy, after a well finished operation on /dev/sda5 (delete, format) and maybe still with other partition (not tested, they're in use), i click on the "Ok" button in the operation window and the program crashes (it seems to crash immediately after starting the reload of the devices).
When I re-open gparted, old operations have been correctly executed and the program works well... since next operation :)