I've tried to enable the multi-touch feature on my Samsung NC10 touchpad enabled (Synaptics) but I did't find a way for correctly do it working. I've started from this how-to http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/library/os-touchpad/?ca=dgr-lnxw02os-touchpad&S_TACT=105AGX59&S_CMP=GRsitel
I've tried to run this: synclient -m 100
but it seems that recognize only a single finger.
This touchpad has multi-touch feature since i correctly make it running under windows xp, but I like to be able to use it under Linux too.
I'm running last updated Intrepid Ubuntu.
I've tried to enable the multi-touch feature on my Samsung NC10 touchpad enabled (Synaptics) but I did't find a way for correctly do it working. www.ibm. com/developerwo rks/opensource/ library/ os-touchpad/ ?ca=dgr- lnxw02os- touchpad& S_TACT= 105AGX59& S_CMP=GRsitel
I've started from this how-to http://
I've tried to run this:
synclient -m 100
but it seems that recognize only a single finger.
This touchpad has multi-touch feature since i correctly make it running under windows xp, but I like to be able to use it under Linux too.
I'm running last updated Intrepid Ubuntu.