May 18 00:51:17 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Snapshot location update flag detected
May 18 00:51:17 florian-laptop backintime (florian): WARNING: Snapshot location needs update
May 18 00:51:24 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Update snapshot locations
May 18 00:51:24 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Only 1 profile found
May 18 00:51:25 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Folder of profile 1 is set to /mnt/backup/WORKGROUP/LS-CHL-V2719/share/BiT_Ubuntu
May 18 00:51:25 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Update was successful. Snapshots of profile 1 are moved to their new location
May 18 00:51:25 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: BackinTime will be able to make new snapshots again!
May 18 00:53:55 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Lock
May 18 00:53:55 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: []
May 18 00:53:55 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: on process begins
May 18 00:53:55 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Profile_id: 1
May 18 00:53:55 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: [] begin loop
May 18 00:53:56 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Command "find "/mnt/backup/WORKGROUP/LS-CHL-V2719/share/BiT_Ubuntu/backintime/new_snapshot" -type d -exec chmod u+wx {} \;" returns 0
May 18 00:53:56 florian-laptop backintime (florian): WARNING: Command "rm -rf "/mnt/backup/WORKGROUP/LS-CHL-V2719/share/BiT_Ubuntu/backintime/new_snapshot"" returns 256
May 18 00:53:58 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Command "rm -rf "/mnt/backup/WORKGROUP/LS-CHL-V2719/share/BiT_Ubuntu/backintime/florian-laptop/florian/1/20100518-005355-684"" returns 0
May 18 00:54:02 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: [] end loop
May 18 00:54:02 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Unlock
So I removed the "new snapshot" directory and run BackInTime again. I think comparing was much faster than befor, but I didn't get a new snapshot. Only an empty directory new snapshot is created.
May 18 00:58:12 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Lock
May 18 00:58:12 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: []
May 18 00:58:12 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: on process begins
May 18 00:58:12 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: [] begin loop
May 18 00:58:12 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Profile_id: 1
May 18 00:58:12 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Compare with old snapshot: 20100516-200001
May 18 01:00:01 florian-laptop backintime (florian): WARNING: A backup is already running
May 18 01:01:01 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Command "rsync -aEH --delete --delete-excluded -i --dry-run --out-format="BACKINTIME: %i %n%L" --chmod=Da+w --exclude="/mnt/backup/WORKGROUP/LS-CHL-V2719/share/BiT_Ubuntu" --exclude="/home/florian/.local/share/backintime" --include="/home/florian/" --include="/home/" --exclude=".*" --exclude="*.backup*" --exclude="*~" --exclude="/home/florian/bb" --exclude="/home/florian/vmware" --exclude="/home/florian/Archive" --exclude="/home/florian/Musik" --exclude="/home/florian/Videos" --exclude="/home/florian/CD_Sissi" --exclude="/home/florian/tmp" --exclude="/home/florian/krautzberger" --exclude="/home/florian/.mozilla/firefox/8rlbdpz5.default/Cache" --exclude="/home/florian/Pictures" --exclude="/home/florian/_VirtualBox" --exclude="/home/florian/Bilder" --exclude="/home/florian/download" --exclude="/home/florian/.VirtualBox/HardDisks" --exclude="/home/florian/.cache" --exclude="/home/florian/Downloads" --exclude="/home/florian/Desktop/Desktop08" --exclude="/home/florian/Desktop/Android" --exclude="/home/florian/Desktop/Desktop09" --include="/home/florian/**" --exclude="*" / "/mnt/backup/WORKGROUP/LS-CHL-V2719/share/BiT_Ubuntu/backintime/florian-laptop/florian/1/20100516-200001/backup/"" returns 0
May 18 01:01:01 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Create hard-links
May 18 01:29:53 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Command "find "/mnt/backup/WORKGROUP/LS-CHL-V2719/share/BiT_Ubuntu/backintime/florian-laptop/florian/1/20100516-200001/backup/" -type d -exec chmod u+wx {} \;" returns 0
May 18 01:37:34 florian-laptop backintime (florian): WARNING: Command "cp -al "/mnt/backup/WORKGROUP/LS-CHL-V2719/share/BiT_Ubuntu/backintime/florian-laptop/florian/1/20100516-200001/backup/"* "/mnt/backup/WORKGROUP/LS-CHL-V2719/share/BiT_Ubuntu/backintime/florian-laptop/florian/1/new_snapshot/backup/"" returns 256
May 18 02:00:01 florian-laptop backintime (florian): WARNING: A backup is already running
May 18 02:07:05 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Command "find "/mnt/backup/WORKGROUP/LS-CHL-V2719/share/BiT_Ubuntu/backintime/florian-laptop/florian/1/20100516-200001/backup/" -type d -exec chmod u-w {} \;" returns 0
May 18 02:07:05 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Call rsync to take the snapshot
May 18 02:56:55 florian-laptop backintime (florian): WARNING: Command "rsync -aEH --delete --delete-excluded -v --chmod=Da+w --exclude="/mnt/backup/WORKGROUP/LS-CHL-V2719/share/BiT_Ubuntu" --exclude="/home/florian/.local/share/backintime" --include="/home/florian/" --include="/home/" --exclude=".*" --exclude="*.backup*" --exclude="*~" --exclude="/home/florian/bb" --exclude="/home/florian/vmware" --exclude="/home/florian/Archive" --exclude="/home/florian/Musik" --exclude="/home/florian/Videos" --exclude="/home/florian/CD_Sissi" --exclude="/home/florian/tmp" --exclude="/home/florian/krautzberger" --exclude="/home/florian/.mozilla/firefox/8rlbdpz5.default/Cache" --exclude="/home/florian/Pictures" --exclude="/home/florian/_VirtualBox" --exclude="/home/florian/Bilder" --exclude="/home/florian/download" --exclude="/home/florian/.VirtualBox/HardDisks" --exclude="/home/florian/.cache" --exclude="/home/florian/Downloads" --exclude="/home/florian/Desktop/Desktop08" --exclude="/home/florian/Desktop/Android" --exclude="/home/florian/Desktop/Desktop09" --include="/home/florian/**" --exclude="*" / "/mnt/backup/WORKGROUP/LS-CHL-V2719/share/BiT_Ubuntu/backintime/florian-laptop/florian/1/new_snapshot/backup/" 2>&1" returns 5888
May 18 02:57:09 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Command "find "/mnt/backup/WORKGROUP/LS-CHL-V2719/share/BiT_Ubuntu/backintime/florian-laptop/florian/1/new_snapshot" -type d -exec chmod u+wx {} \;" returns 0
May 18 02:59:11 florian-laptop backintime (florian): WARNING: Command "rm -rf "/mnt/backup/WORKGROUP/LS-CHL-V2719/share/BiT_Ubuntu/backintime/florian-laptop/florian/1/new_snapshot"" returns 256
May 18 02:59:11 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Command "rm -rf "/mnt/backup/WORKGROUP/LS-CHL-V2719/share/BiT_Ubuntu/backintime/florian-laptop/florian/1/20100518-005812-684"" returns 0
May 18 02:59:15 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: [] end loop
May 18 02:59:15 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Unlock
May 18 03:00:03 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Lock
May 18 03:00:03 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: []
May 18 03:00:03 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: [] begin loop
May 18 03:00:03 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: on process begins
May 18 03:00:03 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Profile_id: 1
May 18 03:00:04 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Command "find "/mnt/backup/WORKGROUP/LS-CHL-V2719/share/BiT_Ubuntu/backintime/florian-laptop/florian/1/new_snapshot" -type d -exec chmod u+wx {} \;" returns 0
May 18 03:00:05 florian-laptop backintime (florian): WARNING: Command "rm -rf "/mnt/backup/WORKGROUP/LS-CHL-V2719/share/BiT_Ubuntu/backintime/florian-laptop/florian/1/new_snapshot"" returns 256
May 18 03:00:07 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Command "rm -rf "/mnt/backup/WORKGROUP/LS-CHL-V2719/share/BiT_Ubuntu/backintime/florian-laptop/florian/1/20100518-030003-684"" returns 0
May 18 03:00:12 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: [] end loop
May 18 03:00:12 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Unlock
.... and so on
Perhaps something in my settings is wrong? Or is that the permission issue you mentioned above?
Sorry for the noise ^^^, I finaly found the 9.99 package for download.
First Run (with your patch aplied) gave me an error:
####### ####### ####### ####### ####### ####### ####### ####### ####### ####### ####### #####
May 18 00:51:17 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Snapshot location update flag detected WORKGROUP/ LS-CHL- V2719/share/ BiT_Ubuntu Systray. run] Systray. run] begin loop WORKGROUP/ LS-CHL- V2719/share/ BiT_Ubuntu/ backintime/ new_snapshot" -type d -exec chmod u+wx {} \;" returns 0 WORKGROUP/ LS-CHL- V2719/share/ BiT_Ubuntu/ backintime/ new_snapshot" " returns 256 WORKGROUP/ LS-CHL- V2719/share/ BiT_Ubuntu/ backintime/ florian- laptop/ florian/ 1/20100518- 005355- 684"" returns 0 Systray. run] end loop
May 18 00:51:17 florian-laptop backintime (florian): WARNING: Snapshot location needs update
May 18 00:51:24 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Update snapshot locations
May 18 00:51:24 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Only 1 profile found
May 18 00:51:25 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Folder of profile 1 is set to /mnt/backup/
May 18 00:51:25 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Update was successful. Snapshots of profile 1 are moved to their new location
May 18 00:51:25 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: BackinTime will be able to make new snapshots again!
May 18 00:53:55 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Lock
May 18 00:53:55 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: [GnomePlugin.
May 18 00:53:55 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: on process begins
May 18 00:53:55 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Profile_id: 1
May 18 00:53:55 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: [GnomePlugin.
May 18 00:53:56 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Command "find "/mnt/backup/
May 18 00:53:56 florian-laptop backintime (florian): WARNING: Command "rm -rf "/mnt/backup/
May 18 00:53:58 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Command "rm -rf "/mnt/backup/
May 18 00:54:02 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: [GnomePlugin.
May 18 00:54:02 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Unlock
####### ####### ####### ####### ####### ####### ####### ####### ####### ####### ####### ##
So I removed the "new snapshot" directory and run BackInTime again. I think comparing was much faster than befor, but I didn't get a new snapshot. Only an empty directory new snapshot is created.
####### ####### ####### ####### ####### ####### ####### ####### ####### ####### ####### ### Systray. run] Systray. run] begin loop "BACKINTIME: %i %n%L" --chmod=Da+w --exclude= "/mnt/backup/ WORKGROUP/ LS-CHL- V2719/share/ BiT_Ubuntu" --exclude= "/home/ florian/ .local/ share/backintim e" --include= "/home/ florian/ " --include="/home/" --exclude=".*" --exclude= "*.backup* " --exclude="*~" --exclude= "/home/ florian/ bb" --exclude= "/home/ florian/ vmware" --exclude= "/home/ florian/ Archive" --exclude= "/home/ florian/ Musik" --exclude= "/home/ florian/ Videos" --exclude= "/home/ florian/ CD_Sissi" --exclude= "/home/ florian/ tmp" --exclude= "/home/ florian/ krautzberger" --exclude= "/home/ florian/ .mozilla/ firefox/ 8rlbdpz5. default/ Cache" --exclude= "/home/ florian/ Pictures" --exclude= "/home/ florian/ _VirtualBox" --exclude= "/home/ florian/ Bilder" --exclude= "/home/ florian/ download" --exclude= "/home/ florian/ .VirtualBox/ HardDisks" --exclude= "/home/ florian/ .cache" --exclude= "/home/ florian/ Downloads" --exclude= "/home/ florian/ Desktop/ Desktop08" --exclude= "/home/ florian/ Desktop/ Android" --exclude= "/home/ florian/ Desktop/ Desktop09" --include= "/home/ florian/ **" --exclude="*" / "/mnt/backup/ WORKGROUP/ LS-CHL- V2719/share/ BiT_Ubuntu/ backintime/ florian- laptop/ florian/ 1/20100516- 200001/ backup/ "" returns 0 WORKGROUP/ LS-CHL- V2719/share/ BiT_Ubuntu/ backintime/ florian- laptop/ florian/ 1/20100516- 200001/ backup/ " -type d -exec chmod u+wx {} \;" returns 0 WORKGROUP/ LS-CHL- V2719/share/ BiT_Ubuntu/ backintime/ florian- laptop/ florian/ 1/20100516- 200001/ backup/ "* "/mnt/backup/ WORKGROUP/ LS-CHL- V2719/share/ BiT_Ubuntu/ backintime/ florian- laptop/ florian/ 1/new_snapshot/ backup/ "" returns 256 WORKGROUP/ LS-CHL- V2719/share/ BiT_Ubuntu/ backintime/ florian- laptop/ florian/ 1/20100516- 200001/ backup/ " -type d -exec chmod u-w {} \;" returns 0 "/mnt/backup/ WORKGROUP/ LS-CHL- V2719/share/ BiT_Ubuntu" --exclude= "/home/ florian/ .local/ share/backintim e" --include= "/home/ florian/ " --include="/home/" --exclude=".*" --exclude= "*.backup* " --exclude="*~" --exclude= "/home/ florian/ bb" --exclude= "/home/ florian/ vmware" --exclude= "/home/ florian/ Archive" --exclude= "/home/ florian/ Musik" --exclude= "/home/ florian/ Videos" --exclude= "/home/ florian/ CD_Sissi" --exclude= "/home/ florian/ tmp" --exclude= "/home/ florian/ krautzberger" --exclude= "/home/ florian/ .mozilla/ firefox/ 8rlbdpz5. default/ Cache" --exclude= "/home/ florian/ Pictures" --exclude= "/home/ florian/ _VirtualBox" --exclude= "/home/ florian/ Bilder" --exclude= "/home/ florian/ download" --exclude= "/home/ florian/ .VirtualBox/ HardDisks" --exclude= "/home/ florian/ .cache" --exclude= "/home/ florian/ Downloads" --exclude= "/home/ florian/ Desktop/ Desktop08" --exclude= "/home/ florian/ Desktop/ Android" --exclude= "/home/ florian/ Desktop/ Desktop09" --include= "/home/ florian/ **" --exclude="*" / "/mnt/backup/ WORKGROUP/ LS-CHL- V2719/share/ BiT_Ubuntu/ backintime/ florian- laptop/ florian/ 1/new_snapshot/ backup/ " 2>&1" returns 5888 WORKGROUP/ LS-CHL- V2719/share/ BiT_Ubuntu/ backintime/ florian- laptop/ florian/ 1/new_snapshot" -type d -exec chmod u+wx {} \;" returns 0 WORKGROUP/ LS-CHL- V2719/share/ BiT_Ubuntu/ backintime/ florian- laptop/ florian/ 1/new_snapshot" " returns 256 WORKGROUP/ LS-CHL- V2719/share/ BiT_Ubuntu/ backintime/ florian- laptop/ florian/ 1/20100518- 005812- 684"" returns 0 Systray. run] end loop
May 18 00:58:12 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Lock
May 18 00:58:12 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: [GnomePlugin.
May 18 00:58:12 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: on process begins
May 18 00:58:12 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: [GnomePlugin.
May 18 00:58:12 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Profile_id: 1
May 18 00:58:12 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Compare with old snapshot: 20100516-200001
May 18 01:00:01 florian-laptop backintime (florian): WARNING: A backup is already running
May 18 01:01:01 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Command "rsync -aEH --delete --delete-excluded -i --dry-run --out-format=
May 18 01:01:01 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Create hard-links
May 18 01:29:53 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Command "find "/mnt/backup/
May 18 01:37:34 florian-laptop backintime (florian): WARNING: Command "cp -al "/mnt/backup/
May 18 02:00:01 florian-laptop backintime (florian): WARNING: A backup is already running
May 18 02:07:05 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Command "find "/mnt/backup/
May 18 02:07:05 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Call rsync to take the snapshot
May 18 02:56:55 florian-laptop backintime (florian): WARNING: Command "rsync -aEH --delete --delete-excluded -v --chmod=Da+w --exclude=
May 18 02:57:09 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Command "find "/mnt/backup/
May 18 02:59:11 florian-laptop backintime (florian): WARNING: Command "rm -rf "/mnt/backup/
May 18 02:59:11 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Command "rm -rf "/mnt/backup/
May 18 02:59:15 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: [GnomePlugin.
May 18 02:59:15 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Unlock
May 18 03:00:03 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Lock Systray. run] Systray. run] begin loop WORKGROUP/ LS-CHL- V2719/share/ BiT_Ubuntu/ backintime/ florian- laptop/ florian/ 1/new_snapshot" -type d -exec chmod u+wx {} \;" returns 0 WORKGROUP/ LS-CHL- V2719/share/ BiT_Ubuntu/ backintime/ florian- laptop/ florian/ 1/new_snapshot" " returns 256 WORKGROUP/ LS-CHL- V2719/share/ BiT_Ubuntu/ backintime/ florian- laptop/ florian/ 1/20100518- 030003- 684"" returns 0 Systray. run] end loop
May 18 03:00:03 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: [GnomePlugin.
May 18 03:00:03 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: [GnomePlugin.
May 18 03:00:03 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: on process begins
May 18 03:00:03 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Profile_id: 1
May 18 03:00:04 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Command "find "/mnt/backup/
May 18 03:00:05 florian-laptop backintime (florian): WARNING: Command "rm -rf "/mnt/backup/
May 18 03:00:07 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Command "rm -rf "/mnt/backup/
May 18 03:00:12 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: [GnomePlugin.
May 18 03:00:12 florian-laptop backintime (florian): INFO: Unlock
.... and so on ####### ####### ####### ####### ####### ####### ####### ####### ####### ####### #####
Perhaps something in my settings is wrong? Or is that the permission issue you mentioned above?