Sounds like there is a problem with gnome-keyring. Please disable the use of keyring with following command and try again:
sed -e "s/" \ -e "s/.password.use_cache=true/.password.use_cache=false/g" \ -i ~/.config/backintime/config
If this fixed the problem you should try to reinstall python2-keyring and python2-secretstorage
Sounds like there is a problem with gnome-keyring. Please disable the use of keyring with following command and try again:
sed -e "s/.password. save=true/ .password. save=false/ g" \ use_cache= true/.password. use_cache= false/g" \ backintime/ config
-e "s/.password.
-i ~/.config/
If this fixed the problem you should try to reinstall python2-keyring and python2- secretstorage