Hmm. ssh debug looks good. But this doesn't shed a light on why all ssh commands in Backintime fail with return codes > 0. It looks like they are doing their job but still return > 0 e.g. 'cp -alR' must have been successfully create new hard-links because otherwise rsync would have to transfer lot more data.
Can you please double check if permissions are correct for user 'pi' on Raspberry
Hmm. ssh debug looks good. But this doesn't shed a light on why all ssh commands in Backintime fail with return codes > 0. It looks like they are doing their job but still return > 0 e.g. 'cp -alR' must have been successfully create new hard-links because otherwise rsync would have to transfer lot more data.
Can you please double check if permissions are correct for user 'pi' on Raspberry