Ok, I realized that for some reason, any applications were gaining focus.
I fixed following this answer into askubuntu: http://askubuntu.com/questions/128738/when-i-launch-an-app-the-focus-doesnt-move-to-the-opened-app
Run in a terminal:
gconftool-2 --type=Integer --set /apps/compiz-1/general/screen0/options/focus_prevention_level 0
Ok, I realized that for some reason, any applications were gaining focus.
I fixed following this answer into askubuntu: http:// askubuntu. com/questions/ 128738/ when-i- launch- an-app- the-focus- doesnt- move-to- the-opened- app
Run in a terminal:
gconftool-2 --type=Integer --set /apps/compiz- 1/general/ screen0/ options/ focus_preventio n_level 0