
Comment 6 for bug 129753

Revision history for this message
Krakatos (krakatos) wrote :

This behaviour happens when the name of the launcher differs from the name of the application.

Take firefox for example. The menu of your Linux distribution will likely have a menu lancher named Firefox Web Browser. if you create an AWN launcher by dragging and dropping firefox to AWN, it will never create a second icon.
But try to edit your menu, and rename the firefox menu link to something else, say firefox test launcher. And then drag this to AWN.

The launcher so created will always create a new instance of the program.

As a side note, I would actually prefer if there was an option that allowed to choose whether a launcher is supposed to create a new icon or not. To be honest, I really don't like the fact of having the task identified with the icon launcher. That because I use so often multiple program instances that it would be very impratical for me.

If by chance it becomes impossible to have a launcher that always create a new icon, I will have to stop using AWN launchers ans resort to normal desktop icons...