hum hum
today after update to (apparatly 1294), i have already the same bug (same traceback)
but the
if gtk.gtk_version >= (2, 16, 0): self.volume_scale.add_mark(100, gtk.POS_BOTTOM, "<small>%s</small>" % "100%")
is write in
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.6/awn/extras/", line 1462, in init_start
File "/usr/share/avant-window-navigator/applets/volume-control/", line 100, in __init__
File "/usr/share/avant-window-navigator/applets/volume-control/", line 121, in setup_main_dialog
self.volume_scale.add_mark(100, gtk.POS_BOTTOM, "<small>%s</small>" % "100%")
AttributeError: 'gtk.HScale' object has no attribute 'add_mark'
hum hum
self. volume_ scale.add_ mark(100, gtk.POS_BOTTOM, "<small>%s</small>" % "100%") avant-window- navigator/ applets/ volume- control/ volume- control. py
today after update to (apparatly 1294), i have already the same bug (same traceback)
but the
if gtk.gtk_version >= (2, 16, 0):
is write in
Traceback (most recent call last): python- support/ python2. 6/awn/extras/ awnlib. py", line 1462, in init_start class(applet) avant-window- navigator/ applets/ volume- control/ volume- control. py", line 100, in __init__ setup_main_ dialog( prefs) avant-window- navigator/ applets/ volume- control/ volume- control. py", line 121, in setup_main_dialog volume_ scale.add_ mark(100, gtk.POS_BOTTOM, "<small>%s</small>" % "100%")
File "/var/lib/
File "/usr/share/
File "/usr/share/
AttributeError: 'gtk.HScale' object has no attribute 'add_mark'