Skip all types of service ports when creating allocation config
When astara creates allocation config, it has always skipped
service ports (historically VRRP ports), but it currently does not
skip LB ports. This adds some constants where we can define astara's
service port labels and expand in the future, and takes these into
account when deciding which ports to leave out of allocation config.
Change-Id: I6d815b1e7e6e24120ad7fd9becc94a216bfb625b
Closes-bug: #1567163
(cherry picked from commit 968c7da141b28d52480fc8aa83f407ae5a76191a)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/304695 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ astara/ commit/ ?id=2991fe157ef 4502c4b3d1a2665 26b672db4e9c22
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/mitaka
commit 2991fe157ef4502 c4b3d1a266526b6 72db4e9c22
Author: Adam Gandelman <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Apr 6 18:28:19 2016 -0700
Skip all types of service ports when creating allocation config
When astara creates allocation config, it has always skipped
service ports (historically VRRP ports), but it currently does not
skip LB ports. This adds some constants where we can define astara's
service port labels and expand in the future, and takes these into
account when deciding which ports to leave out of allocation config.
Change-Id: I6d815b1e7e6e24 120ad7fd9becc94 a216bfb625b 2480fc8aa83f407 ae5a76191a)
Closes-bug: #1567163
(cherry picked from commit 968c7da141b28d5