For those who are waiting for patch, here is the step to temporarily load the module.
# Download kernel sources
mkdir ~/debian/src -p
cd ~/debian/src
apt-get source linux-image-$(uname -r)
cd linux-lts-xenial-4.4.0/ << it can be any kernel.
patch -p1 < uvc.patch
cd drivers/media/usb/uvc/
make -C /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build M=$(pwd) modules
The above step will create a file named uvcvideo.ko in "drivers/media/usb/uvc/" directory. Simply copy and load the module to fix the cam issue.
For those who are waiting for patch, here is the step to temporarily load the module.
--- xenial- 4.4.0/ << it can be any kernel. /launchpadlibra 230434847/ uvc.patch media/usb/ uvc/ $(uname -r)/build M=$(pwd) modules
# Download kernel sources
mkdir ~/debian/src -p
cd ~/debian/src
apt-get source linux-image-$(uname -r)
cd linux-lts-
wget https:/
patch -p1 < uvc.patch
cd drivers/
make -C /lib/modules/
The above step will create a file named uvcvideo.ko in "drivers/ media/usb/ uvc/" directory. Simply copy and load the module to fix the cam issue.
check your running kernel.
$ uname -r
copy module
sudo cp uvcvideo.ko /lib/modules/ 4.4.0-42- generic/ kernel/ drivers/ media/usb/ uvc/ -v
unload old module and load new one:
sudo rmmod uvcvideo; sudo modprobe uvcvideo
Done. Check your cam now.
Thanks gmicsko for sharing the workaround.