I have a DELL XPS STUDIO, with ATI/AMD proprietary fglrx driver and an ATI HD 3670 video-card.
I had the problem concerning the maximizing/resizing windows low speed with Ubuntu Karmic: solved with no-back-fill ppa.
Now I upgraded to Lucid Lynx and the problem came back (I was so happy to know that! :)
Unfortunately none of the solutions you listed worked for me (xserver-xorg-1.7.6-gc ppa, "MigrationHeuristic" "greedy", "AccelMethod XAA", Harrington's ppa, amdccle->disable option, no-backclear patch, etc.).
I then decided to remove the proprietary fglrx driver, but I have a crash and something goes wrong and the result is that I can't install the ATI open-source driver.
(I guess I'll have to wait for an update of the fglrx driver... I would ask you: is it an automatic update or do I have to add some ppa to my software sources?)
I have a DELL XPS STUDIO, with ATI/AMD proprietary fglrx driver and an ATI HD 3670 video-card.
I had the problem concerning the maximizing/resizing windows low speed with Ubuntu Karmic: solved with no-back-fill ppa.
Now I upgraded to Lucid Lynx and the problem came back (I was so happy to know that! :)
Unfortunately none of the solutions you listed worked for me (xserver- xorg-1. 7.6-gc ppa, "MigrationHeuri stic" "greedy", "AccelMethod XAA", Harrington's ppa, amdccle->disable option, no-backclear patch, etc.).
I then decided to remove the proprietary fglrx driver, but I have a crash and something goes wrong and the result is that I can't install the ATI open-source driver.
(I guess I'll have to wait for an update of the fglrx driver... I would ask you: is it an automatic update or do I have to add some ppa to my software sources?)