I don't see an attached branch here, but indeed check_unreportable() should not exit the program. This needs to be passed down through the return values. Also, please keep in mind that /usr/share/apport/apport-gtk potentially process more than one report (and indeed this will happen a lot more often in the near future when we submit the "system level" reports in batches). So a single exit code does not tell you a lot.
Third party packages which want to integrate with Apport are much better off with shipping a proper package hook which adjusts the crash database.
I don't see an attached branch here, but indeed check_unreporta ble() should not exit the program. This needs to be passed down through the return values. Also, please keep in mind that /usr/share/ apport/ apport- gtk potentially process more than one report (and indeed this will happen a lot more often in the near future when we submit the "system level" reports in batches). So a single exit code does not tell you a lot.
Third party packages which want to integrate with Apport are much better off with shipping a proper package hook which adjusts the crash database.