Comment 4 for bug 1629203

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Christian Boltz (cboltz) wrote :

I'm afraid this is _not_ easy to reproduce. (Well, the load failure when tunables/global is missing probably is, but but we need to find out _why_ tunables/global was missing in the profile.)

IIRC, you are the first one who noticed such a problem in all the years I use and work on AppArmor. I can't imagine what you did to trigger this, because all code I know (I just commited a *big* patch series for the aa-* tools, so I'd say I do know the code) would never forget to include tunables/global.

So - can you please provide an _exact_ way how to reproduce this? Ideally that means to start with a tarball "/etc/apparmor.d/ before adding the mariadb profile", and then continue with the exact steps you did (including a "screenshot" of the aa-logprof run - "aa-logprof | tee /tmp/logprof-screenshot" or saving the console history should do this).

If you can't provide all the details, it would at least be useful to know _how_ you created the profile and "just added path and complain flag" ;-) Which commands did you use? Any edits in $EDITOR or only using the aa-* tools?

Also, what do you mean with "profile for mariadb [...] is empty in Ubuntu 16.04"?

BTW: To make things even more funny, I'm not even using Ubuntu (I use openSUSE since 15 years).