Comment 1 for bug 1986516

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Barry Price (barryprice) wrote :

Looked into this, it's far from a trivial fix.

The whole charm is written in python2, and relies on python2-specific packages that no longer exist in jammy.

Furthermore, the test suite uses nose, which "has been in maintenance mode for the past several years"[1]. As that site also notes, "nose itself supports python 3, but many 3rd-party plugins do not!". This may be why bootstrapping the existing test suite seems to fail using python3 (in a trusty LXD).

To resolve this, we'll need to update all the actual charm code to python3, and ideally port the test suite to use tox/pytest too, to bring it in line with other charms.

Porting to reactive (or operator) may not be that much more work given the above, and would bring this more in line with other charms.
