Just as an FYI - things are still broken under the now stable gutsy release. I did a manual compile of the new alsa (1.0.15) which broke audio even more (no audio what so ever..) I had to follow "method d" here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Gutsy_Intel_HD_Audio_Controller to get the device to appear in aplay et al again. Sadly i'm not at the machine to test if I actually have working audio, so I'll update on that front tonight.
Just as an FYI - things are still broken under the now stable gutsy release. I did a manual compile of the new alsa (1.0.15) which broke audio even more (no audio what so ever..) I had to follow "method d" here https:/ /wiki.ubuntu. com/Gutsy_ Intel_HD_ Audio_Controlle r to get the device to appear in aplay et al again. Sadly i'm not at the machine to test if I actually have working audio, so I'll update on that front tonight.