Comment 16 for bug 648832

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Vladimir Hidalgo (vlad88sv) wrote :

I've just installed daily 11.04 x86_64 from ISO image (downloaded today) and still needs the "acpi_sleep=nonvs" hack.

This is a fairly common laptop (because it's cheap) so there's potentially a lot of users of ubuntu who can't suspend/hibernate by default, it took me to solve it from 2010-09-27 to 2012-01-08 acording this bug report.

1 Year and a half has passed since reported and seems nobody cares, it's not I'm demanding anybody to fix it as I'm not paying anyone to do it, but this make bug reporting an useless tool, I've been reporting bugs in the past, but seems nobody really cares about it, so from now on I will just fix what is wrong without "bug reporting it".