Activity log for bug #1731052

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2017-11-08 21:19:37 kaputtnik bug added bug
2017-11-08 21:19:37 kaputtnik attachment added Assert with representative_image()
2017-11-08 21:19:48 kaputtnik summary egfault on dismantle window when a new message arrives segfault on dismantle window when a new message arrives
2017-11-09 07:12:50 GunChleoc tags crash ui
2017-11-09 18:26:08 kaputtnik summary segfault on dismantle window when a new message arrives segfault on dismantle window in empire Mission4
2017-11-12 20:09:43 kaputtnik attachment added The backtrace with some lines before the crash
2017-12-16 17:59:47 kaputtnik widelands: status New Fix Committed
2017-12-26 15:13:54 Hans Joachim Desserud widelands: milestone build20-rc1
2019-04-22 07:37:55 GunChleoc widelands: status Fix Committed Fix Released