Usb Imagewriter progress bar is not working

Bug #354142 reported by Krasimir Chonov
This bug affects 2 people
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
USB ImageWriter

Bug Description

When I start the write process, the progress bar is not moving. I`m using images of ubuntu-notebook-remix Jaunty Jackalope (development branch). I tried several times with different images but is still the same.

Revision history for this message
Oliver Grawert (ogra) wrote :

can you run it as: sudo imagewriter
from a gnome terminal and paste teh output here (if you get any at least)

Changed in usb-imagewriter:
status: New → Incomplete
Oliver Grawert (ogra)
Changed in usb-imagewriter:
importance: Undecided → Medium
Revision history for this message
ZillaVilla (zillavilla) wrote :

when I try it all I get is:

Image: /home/scott/Desktop/ubuntu-9.04-netbook-remix-i386.img
Target Device: Generic USB SD Reader (/dev/sdb)
Executing: dd if=/home/scott/Desktop/ubuntu-9.04-netbook-remix-i386.img of=/dev/sdb

and it stays there forever...1+ hour without any progress. the light is flashing on my card reader but nothing seems to happen.

Revision history for this message
Fedik (fedikw) wrote :

when run as: sudo imagewriter

~$ sudo imagewriter
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/imagewriter/", line 112, in do_write
    self.raw_write(source, target)
  File "/usr/lib/imagewriter/", line 166, in raw_write
    size = float(target_size)*100/float(src_size)
ValueError: could not convert string to float: copied

Revision history for this message
Fedik (fedikw) wrote :

looks like problem at line
there "target_size = line.split()[0]" return "скопійовано"(copied) instead of number of the bytes in my locale (uk_UA)

Revision history for this message
DooBLER (mrdoobler+lp) wrote :

Quick fix for this bug:

Add after line 164 ( target_size = line.split()[0] )

                if not target_size.isdigit():
                    target_size = line.split()[1]

Spaces are important!

This should work for languages that have word "copied" before the actual number of copied bytes.
For example in Polish - output from "dd" command is: "skopiowane 231735296 bajtów (232 MB), 35,5015 s, 6,5 MB/s"

Below entire function with changes:

    def raw_write(self, source, target):
        data = Popen(['ls -l '+source], shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
        src_size = float(data.stdout.readline().split()[4])*1.0
        progress = self.wTree.get_widget("progressbar")
        progress.set_text(_('Writing ')+source.split('/')[-1]+_(' to ')
        self.logger(_('Executing: dd if=')+source+' of='+target)
        while gtk.events_pending():
        output = Popen(['dd if='+source+' of='+target+' bs=1M'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, shell=True)
        self.ddpid =
        while output.stdout.readline():
            line = output.stdout.readline().strip()
            while gtk.events_pending():
            if line.endswith('MB/s'):
                target_size = line.split()[0]
                if not target_size.isdigit():
                    target_size = line.split()[1]
                self.logger(_('Wrote: ')+target_size+' bytes')
                size = float(target_size)*100/float(src_size)
                while gtk.events_pending():
        pid, sts = os.waitpid(, 0)
        if sts != 0:
            self.logger(_('The dd process ended with an error !'))
            return False
        self.logger(_('Image ')+source.split('/')[-1]+_(' successfully written to')+target)

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