Activity log for bug #803640

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2011-06-29 20:54:30 Alejandro J. Cura bug added bug
2011-06-29 22:27:14 Alejandro J. Cura summary Replace txnamedpipes with the qtreactor Replace txnamedpipes with the standard twisted reactor
2011-06-30 21:17:27 Launchpad Janitor branch linked lp:~alecu/ubuntuone-client/use-standard-reactor
2011-07-01 11:59:15 Ubuntu One Auto Pilot ubuntuone-client: status In Progress Fix Committed
2011-07-25 17:15:08 dobey ubuntuone-client: milestone 1.7.1
2011-08-09 20:11:21 dobey ubuntuone-client: status Fix Committed Fix Released