2016-02-27 04:25:25 |
jiaowen520li |
description |
PC: Dell-Vostro-260s,HP-Pavilion-Sleekbook-15-PC,Dell-Inspiron-7437
OS: UK16.04-beta1-0222-amd64&i386
APP: Ubuntu Kylin Software Center
The page of the uninstall - the name of its app is inconsistent with the system, but not all of them.
UK软件中心-卸载页面中有一些软件名称与系统中的不一致,如:中国天气、中国农历等(系统中的命名为优客天气、优客农历)。 |
PC: Dell-Vostro-260s,HP-Pavilion-Sleekbook-15-PC,Dell-Inspiron-7437
OS: UK16.04-beta1-0222-amd64&i386
APP: Ubuntu Kylin Software Center
The client database needs to be updated. Phenomenon: the name of its app is inconsistent with the system, but not all of them.
客户端数据库需要更新。数据库未更新导致有一些软件名称与系统中的不一致,如:中国天气、中国农历等(系统中的命名为优客天气、优客农历);联网情况下,需第二次开启软件中心,显示名称才可以恢复正常。 |