Ran a few tests.
/etc/maas/preseeds/curtin_userdata https://paste.ubuntu.com/26501712/ early_commands: 10_add_ppa: ['sh', '-xc', 'DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive add-apt-repository --yes ppa:raharper/bugfixes'] # update & upgrade what is there already 97_update: ['apt-get', 'update'] 98_upgrade: ['sh', '-xc', 'DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get upgrade --yes'] ... system_upgrade: enabled: True
It seems like /dev/bcache/by-uuid links are set up correctly but labels are not written/persisted
It appears to be that there are also no dname rules written in rules.d hence dname symlinks are not correct when minor numbers change:
ubuntu@maas-xenial2:~$ grep -RiP dname /lib/udev/rules.d/ ; echo $? 1
Not sure if that's my curtin_userdata that is incorrect or something wrong happens during the rule rendering.
root@maas-xenial2:~# pastebinit curtin-install-cfg.yaml http://paste.ubuntu.com/26502171/
root@maas-xenial2:~# pastebinit curtin-install.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/26502172/
The package seems to be coming from a ppa correctly based on curtin-install.log.
Ran a few tests.
/etc/maas/ preseeds/ curtin_ userdata /paste. ubuntu. com/26501712/ FRONTEND= noninteractive add-apt-repository --yes ppa:raharper/ bugfixes' ] FRONTEND= noninteractive apt-get upgrade --yes']
10_add_ppa: ['sh', '-xc', 'DEBIAN_
# update & upgrade what is there already
97_update: ['apt-get', 'update']
98_upgrade: ['sh', '-xc', 'DEBIAN_
enabled: True
It seems like /dev/bcache/by-uuid links are set up correctly but labels are not written/persisted
https:/ /paste. ubuntu. com/26502111/
It appears to be that there are also no dname rules written in rules.d hence dname symlinks are not correct when minor numbers change:
ubuntu@ maas-xenial2: ~$ grep -RiP dname /lib/udev/rules.d/ ; echo $?
Not sure if that's my curtin_userdata that is incorrect or something wrong happens during the rule rendering.
root@maas- xenial2: ~# pastebinit curtin- install- cfg.yaml paste.ubuntu. com/26502171/
root@maas- xenial2: ~# pastebinit curtin-install.log paste.ubuntu. com/26502172/
The package seems to be coming from a ppa correctly based on curtin-install.log.