Hi there,
there is the issue connected with "Initramfs unpacking failed: Decoding failed" error during Ubuntu boot. See https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware/issues/1746 and https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware/issues/1731. The Raspberry Pi have the update for start4.elf / fixup4.dat with fix it. Could you please include update for these files in new ubuntu release ASAP?
Thanks in advance!
Hi there,
there is the issue connected with "Initramfs unpacking failed: Decoding failed" error during Ubuntu boot. See https:/ /github. com/raspberrypi /firmware/ issues/ 1746 and https:/ /github. com/raspberrypi /firmware/ issues/ 1731. The Raspberry Pi have the update for start4.elf / fixup4.dat with fix it. Could you please include update for these files in new ubuntu release ASAP?
Thanks in advance!