This bug was fixed in the package openldap - 2.4.15-1ubuntu1 --------------- openldap (2.4.15-1ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low [ Steve Langasek ] * Update priority of libldap-2.4-2 to match the archive override. * Add the missing ldapexop and ldapurl tools to ldap-utils, as well as the ldapurl(1) manpage. Thanks to Peter Marschall for the patch. Closes: #496749. * Bump build-dependency on debhelper to 6 instead of 5, since that's what we're using. Closes: #498116. * Set the default SLAPD_SERVICES to ldap:/// ldapi:///, instead of using the built-in default of ldap:/// only. [ Mathias Gug ] * Merge from debian unstable, remaining changes: - Modify Maintainer value to match the DebianMaintainerField speficication. - AppArmor support: - debian/apparmor-profile: add AppArmor profile - debian/slapd.postinst: Reload AA profile on configuration - updated debian/slapd.README.Debian for note on AppArmor - debian/control: Recommends apparmor >= 2.1+1075-0ubuntu6 - debian/control: Conflicts with apparmor-profiles << 2.1+1075-0ubuntu4 to make sure that if earlier version of apparmour-profiles gets installed it won't overwrite our profile. - follow ApparmorProfileMigration and force apparmor compalin mode on some upgrades (LP: #203529) - debian/slapd.dirs: add etc/apparmor.d/force-complain - debian/slapd.preinst: create symlink for force-complain on pre-feisty upgrades, upgrades where apparmor-profiles profile is unchanged (ie non-enforcing) and upgrades where apparmor profile does not exist. - debian/slapd.postrm: remove symlink in force-complain/ on purge - debian/control: - Build-depend on libltdl7-dev rather then libltdl3-dev. - debian/patches/ - Call libtoolize with the --install option to install config.{guess,sub} files. - Don't use local statement in config script as it fails if /bin/sh points to bash (LP: #286063). - Disable the testsuite on hppa. Allows building of packages on this architecture again, once this package is in the archive. LP: #288908. - debian/slapd.postinst, debian/slapd.script-common: set correct ownership and permissions on /var/lib/ldap, /etc/ldap/slapd.d (group readable) and /var/run/slapd (world readable). (LP: #257667). - Enable nssoverlay: - debian/patches/nssov-build, debian/rules: Build and package the nss overlay. - debian/schema/misc.ldif: add ldif file for the misc schema which defines rfc822MailMember (required by the nss overlay). - debian/{control,rules}: enable PIE hardening - Use cn=config as the default configuration backend instead of slapd.conf. Migrate slapd.conf file to /etc/ldap/slapd.d/ on upgrade asking the end user to enter a new password to control the access to the cn=config tree. * Dropped: - debian/patches/corrupt-contextCSN: The contextCSN can get corrupted at times. (ITS: #5947) Fixed in new upstream version 2.4.15. - debian/patches/fix-ucred-libc due to changes how newer glibc handle the ucred struct now. Implemented in Debian. * debian/patches/fix-ldap_back_entry_get_rwa.patch: fix test-0034 failure when built with PIE. * debian/patches/gnutls-enable-v1-ca-certs: Enable V1 CA certs to be trusted (LP: #305264). openldap (2.4.15-1) unstable; urgency=low [ Steve Langasek ] * New upstream version - Fixes a bug with the pcache overlay not returning cached entries (closes: #497697) - Update evolution-ntlm patch to apply to current Makefiles. - (tentatively) drop gnutls-ciphers, since this bug was reported to be fixed upstream in 2.4.8. The fix applied in 2.4.8 didn't match the patch from the bug report, so this should be watched for regressions. * Build against db4.7 instead of db4.2 at last! Closes: #421946. * Build with --disable-ndb, to avoid a misbuild when libmysqlclient is installed in the build environment. * Add -D_GNU_SOURCE to CFLAGS, apparently required for building with current headers in unstable -- Mathias Gug