4 of the 5 patches are in Focal. The final patch is not
PCI: pciehp: Differentiate between surprise and safe removal https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/helgaas/pci.git/commit/?h=pci/hotplug&id=e76ac5875f5d5848558edc79a0869bf20765fec3
The link to this patch currently has the following error message:
Bad commit reference: e76ac5875f5d5848558edc79a0869bf20765fec3
4 of the 5 patches are in Focal. The final patch is not
PCI: pciehp: Differentiate between surprise and safe removal /git.kernel. org/pub/ scm/linux/ kernel/ git/helgaas/ pci.git/ commit/ ?h=pci/ hotplug& id=e76ac5875f5d 5848558edc79a08 69bf20765fec3
The link to this patch currently has the following error message:
Bad commit reference: e76ac5875f5d584 8558edc79a0869b f20765fec3