I no longer have a 4.17 image; and my requests for if anyone who knows where one is (on irc) got no answer.
Yes these systems booted the daily ISO three-four weeks ago when tested; but I'd not found & thus wasn't using the QA-tracker at that time, so I have no logs sorry (I'm new to QA-testing)
If you can find an 4.17 kernel ISO, I'd love to test it.
Note: I don't recall the kernels that it stopped working, the switch to 4.18 was about the same time it was last successfully tested on those boxes. I concentrated testing on lower spec machines for x86 ISO; those boxes are x86_64 capable, and thus only tested very occasionally (not enough obviously). I was pointed to that possible-cause by Walter (wxl) because it effects the Lubuntu image too (both x86)
I no longer have a 4.17 image; and my requests for if anyone who knows where one is (on irc) got no answer.
Yes these systems booted the daily ISO three-four weeks ago when tested; but I'd not found & thus wasn't using the QA-tracker at that time, so I have no logs sorry (I'm new to QA-testing)
If you can find an 4.17 kernel ISO, I'd love to test it.
Note: I don't recall the kernels that it stopped working, the switch to 4.18 was about the same time it was last successfully tested on those boxes. I concentrated testing on lower spec machines for x86 ISO; those boxes are x86_64 capable, and thus only tested very occasionally (not enough obviously). I was pointed to that possible-cause by Walter (wxl) because it effects the Lubuntu image too (both x86)