ygraph (0.16~cvs20090218-1ubuntu1) karmic; urgency=low
* Merge from debian unstable, remaining changes:
- debian/rules: Remove empty po/ygraph.pot to make pkgstriptranslations
* debian/control:
- Build-dep on docbook to enable building outside of pbuilder
* Maintainer field munging.
ygraph (0.16~cvs20090218-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* New upstream version 0.16, currently only available in CVS.
+ No longer uses imlib. Closes: #456139
+ Ported to Gtk+ 2.0.
* Removed all Debian-specific patches to upstream sources:
+ [10_DESTDIR_fixes] Merged upstream.
+ [10_document_cmd_redirection] Merged upstream.
+ [10_separate_windows_fix] Merged upstream.
+ [10_no_points_fix] Merged upstream.
+ [10_reload_final_frame_fix] Merged upstream.
* src/read_data.c: Fix label generation for datasets.
* src/util.c, src/ygraph.c: Fix typing of various function arguments to
silence compiler warnings.
* src/ygraph.h: Enable broken Gtk+ functions until source is fully ported
to Gtk+ 2.0.
* src/ygraph.h: Add missing declarations of several convenience functions.
* debian/control,debian/rules: Remove dpatch from packaging infrastructure.
* debian/control: Remove build-dependency on gdk-imlib, update
build-dependencies for GLib and Gtk+ to 2.0.
* debian/control: Complies with version 3.8.0 of Debian policy.
* debian/control: Slightly reworded package description. Closes: #465513
* debian/compat,debian/control,debian/rules: Upgrade to debhelper 7.
* debian/copyright: Document CVS download location.
* debian/copyright: Use UTF8 encoding.
* debian/copyright: Refer to version 2 of the GPL text.
* debian/rules: Do not ignore errors from make distclean.
* debian/rules: Replace obsolete "dh_clean -k" with dh_prep.
* debian/ Move section to Applications/Science/Data Analysis.
-- Morten Kjeldgaard <email address hidden> Mon, 11 May 2009 11:12:10 +0200