Errors in "Chapter 6. Connecting to Internet and Networks" of the Xubuntu Documentation saucy series

Bug #1238718 reported by David Pires
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
xubuntu-docs (Ubuntu)
Fix Released
David Pires

Bug Description

When translating Xubuntu Documentation saucy series, I noticed that in "Chapter 6. Connecting to Internet and Networks" there are eight occurrences where the NetworkManager application isn't embraced between the proper <application>...</application> tags.

Changed in xubuntu-docs (Ubuntu):
assignee: nobody → David Pires (slickymaster)
status: New → In Progress
summary: - Several errors on the "Connecting to Internet and Networks chapter of
+ Errors on the "Chapter 6. Connecting to Internet and Networks chapter of
the Xubuntu Documentation saucy series
summary: - Errors on the "Chapter 6. Connecting to Internet and Networks chapter of
- the Xubuntu Documentation saucy series
+ Errors in "Chapter 6. Connecting to Internet and Networks" of the
+ Xubuntu Documentation saucy series
Revision history for this message
Stephen Michael Kellat (skellat) wrote :

To note from the IRC discussion, this will be best addressed as a Stable Release Update to 13.10 as the time has passed for us to get it into the shipping image.

Changed in xubuntu-docs (Ubuntu):
status: In Progress → Fix Committed
Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

This bug was fixed in the package xubuntu-docs - 14.04.0

xubuntu-docs (14.04.0) trusty; urgency=medium

  [ Pasi Lallinaho ]
  * Update version numbers (14.04/Trusty) and copyright
  * Fix text wrapping for information boxes

  [ David Pires ]
  * Add <application> tags for NetworkManager (LP: #1238718)
  * Use 'sudo -i' instead of 'gksudo' (LP: #1251332)
  * Fix typos (LP: #1243946)
  * Add documentation for Mugshot
  * Update documentation for xfdesktop

  [ Unit 193 ]
  * Fix typos
  * Fix file permissions
  * Build-dep drop use of cdbs use dh9, update d/compat
  * Update standards version
 -- Unit 193 <email address hidden> Wed, 12 Feb 2014 16:56:38 -0500

Changed in xubuntu-docs (Ubuntu):
status: Fix Committed → Fix Released
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