[UIFe] New wallpaper for Xubuntu 18.10

Bug #1794978 reported by Pasi Lallinaho
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
xubuntu-artwork (Ubuntu)
Fix Released

Bug Description

The Xubuntu team has been preparing a new wallpaper for 18.10 and we're now looking for an approval for the late upload.

The actual upload will be ready to go before the RC.

This change does not affect the documentation team (as we don't have screenshots of this in the documentation) nor the translation team, as it doesn't change/add any strings or add any image that needs to be translated.

Pasi Lallinaho (knome)
description: updated
Revision history for this message
Sean Davis (bluesabre) wrote :

Ack from the Xubuntu release team.

Revision history for this message
Łukasz Zemczak (sil2100) wrote :

Ok, seeing that the Xubuntu release team is also ok with the change, the UIFe is approved.

Changed in xubuntu-artwork (Ubuntu):
status: New → Triaged
Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

This bug was fixed in the package xubuntu-artwork - 18.10.3

xubuntu-artwork (18.10.3) cosmic; urgency=medium

  [ Pasi Lallinaho ]
  * New wallpaper for desktop and Plymouth (LP: #1794978)

 -- Sean Davis <email address hidden> Tue, 09 Oct 2018 05:26:38 -0400

Changed in xubuntu-artwork (Ubuntu):
status: Triaged → Fix Released
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