xtables-addons 2.3-1 source package in Ubuntu


xtables-addons (2.3-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream version [June 2013]
    + compatible with kernels 3.9+ (Closes: #711431).
  * Patches removed (applied-upstream):
    - bashism_xt_geoip_dl.patch
    - libxt_quota2.patch
    - man.patch
    - undouble_man.patch
  * Disabled "automake-1.11.2.patch" that was needed as workaround for
    temporary regression in automake.
  * Better clean-up after interrupted build attempt.

 -- Dmitry Smirnov <email address hidden>  Wed, 19 Jun 2013 10:55:05 +1000

Upload details

Uploaded by:
Pierre Chifflier
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Original maintainer:
Pierre Chifflier
any all
Low Urgency

See full publishing history Publishing

Series Pocket Published Component Section
Trusty release universe admin


File Size SHA-256 Checksum
xtables-addons_2.3-1.dsc 2.1 KiB 41c3ccc5d4a27a69dcdfcc6a286c4f7e30dcf0dd47c7e9f7d0c981561bc85982
xtables-addons_2.3.orig.tar.xz 309.0 KiB 7ab43981d594131ec8d72d4604c92c25dcf67dd4cae6aabb71113238a27cdff9
xtables-addons_2.3-1.debian.tar.xz 9.7 KiB ad57d87739bc5d14f22062b84a1498db6f1c7342e20254e8e688178a1f43b60f

Available diffs

No changes file available.

Binary packages built by this source

xtables-addons-common: No summary available for xtables-addons-common in ubuntu saucy.

No description available for xtables-addons-common in ubuntu saucy.

xtables-addons-dkms: No summary available for xtables-addons-dkms in ubuntu utopic.

No description available for xtables-addons-dkms in ubuntu utopic.

xtables-addons-source: Extensions targets and matches for iptables [modules sources]

 Xtables-addons provides extra modules for iptables not present in the
 kernel, and is the successor of patch-o-matic.
 Extensions includes new targets like TEE, TARPIT, CHAOS, or modules like
 geoip and account.
 This package provides the source code for the xtables-addons kernel modules.
 The xtables-addons package is also required in order to make use of these
 modules. Kernel source or headers are required to compile these modules.