xsysinfo (1.7-7) unstable; urgency=low
* debian/menu
- updated to new menu policy
* debian/control
- bump Standards-Version to 3.7.3
* debian/
- moved here since currently at the same level of upstream code
* debian/patches/
- removed and merged with debian/
* debian/rules
- added "xsysinfo" target to make in build target
- added doc installation filenames explicit parameter to dh_installdocs
- used $(MAKE) in build target to allow parallel compilation
- removed patch/unpatch target and added dpatch.make include
* debian/docs
- removed
* debian/patches/30_restore_pristine_code.dpatch
- added to remove direct upstream code changes
* debian/copyright
- clear separation of upstream author, copyright and license
- added local reference to BSD license
* debian/patches/40_bts-441378_fix_buffer_length.dpatch
- added to increase the buffer length, otherwise on amd64 system it
doesn't work (Closes: #441378)
* debian/patches/50_bts-442085_fix_cpu_bar.dpatch
- fix cpu bar under strange load; thanks to Stephan Seidl (Closes: #442085)
* debian/patches/10_bts-413807_fix_memleak.dpatch
- patch renamed to prepend ordering number
* debian/patches/20_bts-383368_fix_warning.dpatch
- patch renamed to prepend ordering number
-- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden> Fri, 02 May 2008 02:35:23 +0100