I am running 14.04 LTS , using a Logitech K200 keyboard
numlockx has been added to /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/50-unity-greeter.conf
greeter-setup-script=/usr/bin/numlockx on
I added to /etc/profile, /etc/bash.bashrc, ~/.profile, ~/.bashrc, ...
/usr/bin/logger -i -t PRIVATE -- "~/.profile user `/usr/bin/numlockx status`"
Numlock is on at login
Numlock is on when executing /etc/profile
Numlock is on when executing ~/.profile
Numlock is on when executing ~/.bashrc
When GUI is available, numlock is off. I seems that somewhere after processing login, numlock gets switch off.
I am running 14.04 LTS , using a Logitech K200 keyboard
numlockx has been added to /usr/share/ lightdm/ lightdm. conf.d/ 50-unity- greeter. conf setup-script= /usr/bin/ numlockx on
I added to /etc/profile, /etc/bash.bashrc, ~/.profile, ~/.bashrc, ...
/usr/bin/logger -i -t PRIVATE -- "~/.profile user `/usr/bin/numlockx status`"
Numlock is on at login
Numlock is on when executing /etc/profile
Numlock is on when executing ~/.profile
Numlock is on when executing ~/.bashrc
When GUI is available, numlock is off. I seems that somewhere after processing login, numlock gets switch off.