xfwm4 (4.4.3-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low
* Merge with Debian Xfce UNRELEASED, remaining Ubuntu changes
- debian/xfwm4.1: update bug reporting address (LP instead of Debian BTS).
- debian/rules: keep the .desktop installed, but add "NoDisplay=true" to hide
them by default
xfwm4 (4.4.3-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
* new upstream bugfix release, fix:
- bug in overlays counting causing xscreensaver window to remain
invisible. (r26973, Xfce #3849) closes: #483070
- loosen the rule that prevents an application from iconifying itself when
skip_taskbar is set (r28012, Xfce #4434). closes: #491817
- fix support for win-gravity WM hint (r27454, Xfce #3634) closes: #448443
* debian/rules:
- stop messing with config.{guess,sub}.
* debian/control:
- update standards version to 3.8.0.
- add build-dep on intltool.
* debian/patches:
- 01_filter-grab-ungrab-events removed, merged upstream.
- 02_exit-on-selectionclear as well.
- 03_fix-compositing-overlay itou.
- 04_fix-automaximize-on-move again.
- 05_awn-focus too.
-- Michael Casadevall <email address hidden> Mon, 10 Nov 2008 07:40:26 -0500