Please consider carefully your actions in terms of working with others in a distributed project spread across the face of this planet. There is a need to work harmoniously with others for any project to succeed. As part of overwatch I will refer this bug to my fellow members of Xubuntu Team for consideration so that the path for resolution may be discussed further.
Christopher, if you deem this a trivial fix then you are strongly advised to propose a patch yourself. Feature Freeze already hit at 2100 UTC on February 20th well before Mr. Doak changed the milestone. Please consult https:/ /wiki.ubuntu. com/TrustyTahr/ ReleaseSchedule to refresh yourself as to the release calendar and please also consider the message posted by Jonathan Riddell on behalf of the release archived at https:/ /lists. ubuntu. com/archives/ ubuntu- devel-announce/ 2014-February/ 001083. html too.
Please consider carefully your actions in terms of working with others in a distributed project spread across the face of this planet. There is a need to work harmoniously with others for any project to succeed. As part of overwatch I will refer this bug to my fellow members of Xubuntu Team for consideration so that the path for resolution may be discussed further.