xfce4-utils (4.6.0-1ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low
* Merge Xfce 4.6.0 final with Debian experimental, remaining Ubuntu changes:
- debian/control:
+ use our Vcs-* fields
+ build-depends on libdbus-glib-1-dev (>= 0.33)
+ allow gnome-screensaver to satisfy the screensaver Recommends. Prevents
derivatives from pulling in xscreensaver. (LP: #264594)
- debian/rules:
+ pass --with-vendor-info=Xubuntu to ./configure
+ do not replace firefox calls with iceweasel
- debian/Xubuntu: added
- debian/patches:
+ xubuntu_update-xdg-config-and-data-dirs.patch: prepend
"/etc/xdg/xubuntu" to XDG_{CONFIG,DATA}_DIRS to allow
xubuntu-default-settings config files to override upstream ones
+ debian/patches/04_avoid-xcblib-hang.patch: avoid race condition and
deadlock in libxcb by launching dbus-launch before gnome-screensaver
(which should occur anyhow) (LP: #232364)
+ series: refreshed.
xfce4-utils (4.6.0-1) experimental; urgency=low
[ Xfce 4.6 Alpha “Pinkie”]
* New upstream alpha release.
* debian/control:
- drop xfce-mcs-manager from (build-)depends.
- update standards version to 3.8.0.
- update build-dep on debhelper for dh_lintian support.
- add a Recommends: on xinput for migration script.
- add build-dep on intltool.
- add Recommends: on xdg-user-dirs so it can be used at startup.
- add Depends: on libxml-parser-perl for migration script.
* debian/rules:
- stop messing with config.{sub,guess}.
- use dh_lintian.
- don't manually install xfce.desktop in /u/s/xsessions, it's already done.
- configure libexecdir so it ends in /usr/lib.
[ Xfce 4.6 Beta 1 “Fuzzy”]
* new upstream beta release.
* debian/control:
- update build-deps for Fuzzy.
- add explicit build-dep on libgtk2.0-dev.
[ Xfce 4.6 Beta 2 “Hopper”]
* new upstream beta release.
* debian/control:
- update build-deps for Hopper.
[ Xfce 4.6 Beta 3 “Tuco-tuco”]
* new upstream beta release.
* debian/control:
- update build-deps for “Tuco-Tuco”.
[ Xfce 4.6 RC1 “Capybara” ]
* new upstream release candidate.
* debian/control:
- update build-deps for “Capybara”.
* debian/patches/01_xflock4-test-running-screensaver.patch:
- refresh patch to force blank mode in xlock, as it's known to be quite
insecure anyway.
[ Xfce 4.6 ]
* new upstream release.
* debian/control:
- update build-deps for 4.6.
* debian/copyright: update dates, copyright owners and format.
-- Lionel Le Folgoc <email address hidden> Sun, 01 Mar 2009 15:25:36 +0100