xdg-utils (1.1.1-1ubuntu1) xenial; urgency=low
* Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining changes:
- debian/patches/xdg-email-mutt-detect.diff
- debian/patches/xdg-screensaver-restore-timeout.diff
- debian/patches/lp779156-lubuntu.diff
Removed patches because upstream implements:
- xdg-email-envvar.diff
- xdg-open-browser-multiword.diff
- xdg-open-printf.diff
- xdg-screensaver-new-gnome.diff
- no-X.diff
- fix-bashism-use-of-echo.patch
- gnome-3.0.diff
- filenames-with-spaces.patch
* debian/patches/mimeappslist-file-location: "xdg-mime default"
only set old deprecated mimeapps location. "xdg-mime query default"
retrieved, but nothing could set. (LP: #1518053)
xdg-utils (1.1.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* New upstream release.
- xdg-open: Handle whitespace in filenames and fix generic mode
regression. Closes: #801048.
- xdg-screensaver: Reset DPMS timer. Closes: #745340.
* Update debian/watch, primary URL is working again.
* Update Description.
xdg-utils (1.1.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* New upstream release.
- Adds references to specifications to the manuals. Closes: #800826.
- xdg-open: Handle files with '?' and '#' in their names in generic mode.
Closes: #800355.
- xdg-settings: Detect generic DE instead of failing. Closes: #787791.
- xdg-open, xdg-email: Add iceweasel to the list of fallback browsers.
Closes: #788047.
- xdg-open: Fall back to generic mode if gvfs-open and gnome-open are
missing. Closes: #685304.
- xdg-mime: Check ~/.config/mimeapps.list for default application.
Closes: #800825.
* Don't build html documentation, we don't install it anyway.
* Update Description.
* Update Homepage.
xdg-utils (1.1.0~rc3+git20150922-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* Merge latest upstream git tree.
- xdg-icon-resource: Don't try to install anything into /.
Closes: #799741.
* Remove autotests/Makefile in distclean target.
xdg-utils (1.1.0~rc3+git20150919-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* Rebase on latest upstream git tree.
- Drop the following patches which were applied upstream:
+ xdg-email-detect-icedove.patch
+ xdg-email-thunderbird-quoting.patch
+ xdg-email-try-xdg-open.patch
+ xdg-open-browser-multiword.diff
+ xdg-open-printf.diff
+ fix-bashism-use-of-echo.patch
* Maintain Debian patches in git instead of using quilt patches.
* Update git URLs in debian/control.
* xdg-open: Try $BROWSER first in generic mode if it is set by the
user. Closes: #799568.
* Add an automated test suite (under development).
xdg-utils (1.1.0~rc3+git20150907-2) unstable; urgency=medium
* Add upstream bug URL to xdg-open-browser-multiword.diff.
* Use local variable in patch xdg-open-browser-multiword.diff.
* Add upstream bug URL to patch xdg-open-printf.diff.
* Add upstream bug URL to fix-bashism-use-of-echo.patch.
* Add xdg-email-try-xdg-open.patch: Try using xdg-open in xdg-email's
generic mode. Closes: #691259.
* Only try to auto-detect Mutt in xdg-email in generic mode after we
tried xdg-open.
* Add xdg-email-detect-icedove.patch: Also detect Icedove in xdg-email
for Thunderbird special handling.
* Add xdg-email-thunderbird-quoting.patch: Don't quote header fields
when calling Thunderbird from xdg-email.
* Drop patch xdg-email-mutt-detect.diff. Currently difficult to pinpoint
exactly when to use auto-detection.
-- Chad MILLER <email address hidden> Thu, 28 Jan 2016 09:54:20 -0500